Wednesday, July 3, 2019

18A - Create a custom avatar

Create a Custom Avatar

My Blue Robot Avatar

I attached above my custom avatar. My prototypical customer would usually be younger kids, aged 13-21 who own gaming consoles such as the Xbox or PS4 and play video games on a daily basis. The types of hobbies that my prototypical customer would partake in would include playing video games on their gaming console, playing outside with friends, going to the movies, or anything that a typical teenager would partake in on a daily basis. They would usually not drive because my prototypical customers range from 13-21 and the customers who would be most likely to buy it would probably be the younger ones who have more time to play video games. They would not have children and probably would watch tv shows on Nickelodeon or Disney Channel.

I have in common with my custom avatar the age range as well as hobbies. I used to play video games a lot with friends but I also used to spend just as much time playing sports with friends outside. I do not think this is a coincidence, I think it makes sense that I would target a market that I already know about.


  1. Reed,
    I really liked how you actually went ahead and created an avatar. It is crazy to think that such a wide variety of people play video games. Even though it is common, I think that you were spot on about who your avatar is. A younger crowd is definitely more likely to feel the need to purchase a unique controller for their games. College students especially I find are starting to pick up video games again. Good job!

  2. Hey Reed, I think it is great that you relate to your prototypical customer because you have past experiences that are the same. I also like that you are targeting a younger market because they will be able to purchase this product on birthdays, Christmas, graduations, and other special events that come along. Overall, I felt that you have a good grasp on the type of customer who will be purchasing your product and why they will be buying it.

  3. Hey Reed! I'm not sure if it's just me, but I can't see your avatar! No one else mentions anything about it though, so it may just be me! I think that you could expand your audience past people who just simply play daily, to people who play simply *enough* to want a cooling controller. I liked that you went so into depth about even the type of channels they would watch, and interesting how you brought up the "not being able to drive yet" factor into it! Awesome job.

  4. Hey Reed! I think it may be my computer that I am using, but I can not seem to see your avatar if there is one included in the post. It seems to just be me and one other person having this issue so it must be on our end. Overall, I really liked the idea of your avatar especially for the product that you have described. You have a good market base to grow consumers.

  5. Hey Reed,
    I really love your passion for this subject it is such a great idea. I think that with this blog entry you really covered a lot and did the right things. I found it super interesting the subject is something that I would love to do future research on. After reading your article it hooked me and makes me want to get more information about it. Combining the subject together is a great way to widen your audience and make the most use out of it.

  6. Hey Reed,
    I think its cool that you put this much detail into your custom avatar and I find it even cooler that you relate to your customer because it allows you to craft your design to your preferences and since you are similar to your target customer then you know exactly what they want.

  7. Reed,
    You did a great job explaining your custom avatar in detail. I really felt that I understood which segment you're targeting. Your idea is essential to the video game community and a slight increase in price shouldn't stop that. I wasn't able to access the photo of your custom avatar, but your description was enough. Perhaps you should open your target segments to adults -- they seem to sweat more!
