Wednesday, July 17, 2019

23A - Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

1. My perseverance
This resource is very specific to me and is very valuable because not all business owners possess the same perseverance as me.
2. My background in gaming
This resource is not very rare but not every business owner has background in what they are selling.
3. Our state of the art internal cooling technology
This resource is rare and valuable because no other company has been able to make a small internal cooling system that can fit inside a controller.
4. Our financial resources
This resource is valuable but not rare because we need money but everyone has money.
5. Our grasp on the target market
This resource Is valuable because you need to know your target market before you spend advertising money.
6. Our understanding of the target market
This resource Is valuable because you need to know your target market before you spend advertising money.
7. Our employees
Our employees are valuable but not rare because they are hardworking and needed but there are plenty of people we could hire.
8. My dedication to success
My personality trait is valuable and rare because I will never stop until I'm successful.
9. My hardworking nature
My personality trait is valuable and rare because I will never stop until I'm successful.
10. My experience meeting with store owners
My experience meeting with store owners in other areas has given me valuable experience with how to convince a store owner to carry a certain product.

Top resource is experience because I have the ability to know how to react in certain situations based on past experiences.


  1. Reed,
    I love all the resources that you stated were giving your venture an unfair advantage. I think your top resources is the one you stated and also your background in gaming. Gamers will want to buy from someone who understands their need, because it is also a need of their own. I think being able to know where your customers are coming from and what they need gives your venture an unfair advantage than another venture just looking to make a profit.

  2. Hey Reed, you did a great job finding your best resources. It is great that your top resource is experience. That will serve you well when dealing with certain vendors and others that have questions regarding the ins and outs of the product. Understanding the target market is something that every business owner should know. It is one of the most important resources in becoming successful. I think that when you combine all of the resources listed they will help you tremendously with your overall goals.

  3. Reed,
    The 10 resources you chose for your business are excellent! Although you could've provided a better description for each resource, you did a great job explaining each resource's level of value towards your business. I am not surprised by your decision to select your experience as your most valuable resource. Your familiarity with the video game industry shows consumers that they are dealing with a trustworthy entrepreneur who is well-informed about flaws with video games. Your dedication to success and hardworking attitude are extremely valuable assets to your business! The hardest part is maintaining these characteristics through times of failure. Good luck!
