Friday, July 12, 2019

21A - Reading Reflection No. 2

Reading Reflection No. 2

1. The general theme of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams is that the key to happiness and success in life is for you to look after yourself and your economics before you worry about your friends or family. He claims that if you do not look out for yourself first, you become a burden for your friends and family.

2. The book connected with and enhanced what I have learned in ENT 3003 because the book shows how you need to have a plan and an outline before you achieve a goal and we learn in this class that it is more important to find a problem for a solution then achieve a goal because there has to be a clear need for a product. The book also shows that you should do what you think you are good at because that is where you have the best chance of excelling.

3. I would ask students to talk about which 5 jobs they would sample to see where they feel comfortable enough to task a risk.

4. The one thing I read in this book that differed most from my expectations was that Adams shows that having mediocre skills and knowing how to use them as well as having good networking skills, you can be valuable. I never thought that just having skills that are mediocre could create such a successful career for myself, but Adams shows that you can.


  1. Hi Reed! Interesting book! The fact that this author mentions that you need to put YOURSELF first before family is very out there and unusual! I never thought of it that way, that you could become a burden for your family if you don't look out for yourself. I do think that this statement has some truth behind it, but only to a certain extent.

  2. Hey Reed, I think we both got a lot out of this book. I thought you covered it really well and it looks like it taught you quite a bit also. I do believe a lot of us do not put ourselves first and in the long run we can become a burden on friends and family. It's also pretty cool to know that mediocre skills in a world that only advertises being the best of the best can still take you places and allow you to do the career you want.

  3. Hey Reed! I love this book choice. Failing is one of the most important aspects of growing as an entrepreneur and this book teaches you how to fail and how to learn from your failures. I have read this book in the past and Scott Adams is a master of conveying his message to make it understandable and a worthwhile read.

  4. I love this post Reed! Great job on this post. I really feel like I got a glimpse into this book and learned a little something too! I can't wait to see what you post next.

  5. Very interesting idea for students. I am guessing this would sorta be like a survey as well for them.
