Wednesday, July 3, 2019

19A - Idea Napkin No. 2

Idea Napkin No. 2

1. I am Reed Sherman and I am a very personable, outgoing individual. I pride myself on being very sociable and easy to work with. I am a business major and I am proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, and Hubspot. I hope to be able to use my experience that I got from helping businesses grow when I was an intern and create a profitable business model for a cooling gaming controller.

2. I am offering to customers a revolutionary gaming controller that has an internal cooling system, which in turn reduces the amount of sweat and germs spread when people share gaming controllers.

3. I am offering this product to any person who owns a gaming console like an Xbox or a PS4. Specifically, I expect the typical buyer of this product to be generally teenage or a little older than teenage boys. All of these customers have in common the fact that they may use a gaming controller on a daily basis and realize the need for this product. 

4. People will pay money for my product because it will reduce the amount of sweat transferred from one person to another when they share gaming controllers while playing video games. What distinguishes my product from other companies products is that there is currently no other product on the market that has an internal cooling system in the controller. There exists controllers with grip to limit sweat, but no cooling controllers. 

5. What sets my product away from every other is a special cooling system inside of the controller that no other controller has. I set myself apart with my perseverance and willingness to work until I meet my end goal.

I think that all 5 elements mentioned come together to create a strong business model and in turn can be very profitable. There is no other product like mine on the market, which distinguishes us from competitors. I think I have correctly identified the best target market. I also think I can relate to my target market well and can thus predict the best products. I am very perseverant and with a plan and a strong goal in mind, I will definitely make this a successful product.

Feedback memo: I received feedback from a peer that I should include what distinguishes my product from my competitors. Thus, I included in this go around how my product, a controller with a cooling system is different than any other product out there. I stated that there is currently no other company that has made a controller with an internal cooling system. 


  1. Reed,
    I enjoyed reading your personal description. It is easy to tell that you are a very personable and inspiring person. I also thought that your idea for a new gaming controller was very unique. I loved your choice of words and how you called it "revolutionary". That is sure to get you some attention!

  2. Hello, I really thought this was awesome post. You went into great detail with this blog. I thought you improved from your last napkin idea. I think it was awesome how you took those comments and helped improve your idea. It was helpful to see what set you apart from your competition.

  3. Hey Reed,
    I really enjoyed reading your business idea because I think its a great idea but I do have two questions. How does the fact that the controller is colder reduce the amount of sweat and germs that is on the controller. I'm also wondering how large you think the controller will have to be to accommodate for an internal cooling system?

  4. Reed,
    Your familiarity with this product and video games in general certainly gives you an advantage for meeting customers' unmet needs. You obviously have a clear understanding of what the greatest demands are within the video-gaming community. The fact that you've researched your competitors and found that no else is producing cooling controllers, shows me that you have passion for this idea and that it may very well prove to be a success!
