Friday, June 28, 2019

16A - What's Your Secret Sauce?

What's Your Secret Sauce?

1. I think I am a very outgoing individual who is able to make lasting connections very easily. I think I am very goal oriented and makes sure no matter what, the end goal is always reached. I am very thorough, I make sure every step is covered before declaring something finished. I am very good at selling a product to someone and making them aware of the benefits. I am very persistent and do not stop until I reach my end goal.

In this video, my friend Jake highlights how hard working I am. 
In this video, my friend Ty highlights my determination. 
In this video, my friend Lisa mentions my hard working nature. 

In this video, my friend Jason highlights my determination and how I never quit.

In this video, my aunt Debbie mentions my trustworthiness.

3. I think I have a pretty accurate idea of who I am and what type of worker I am. All of my peers and family as well as those I interviewed confirmed that they also see me as a perseverant individual who never gives up with a goal in mind. I would not make any corrections to the list and I think the interviewees are correct about me.


  1. I loved watching the videos of what your loved ones had to say about you. I very quickly got the impression that you are not mistaken, you have clearly developed very important relationships with these people. From what they have said it is easy to see that you are a very social person and a good friend. Those lasting relationships are going to help you so much in the future!

  2. Wow Reed! Your secret sauce is spicy to say the least. I think that you are heads and shoulders above most people in terms of your personal capital. I know that you are going to take these skills to new heights and achieve things that you couldn't imagine.
