Friday, June 7, 2019

Solving the Problem

Solving the Problem

Problem: The problem that I identified in my previous exercises was the problem of gaming controllers lacking cooling systems and thus causing people to sweat profusely and eventually pass germs to someone else when people share the controller.

Solution: My solution to this problem is to create a gaming controller that has an internal cooling system that keeps the controller at the perfect temperature to prevent hands from sweating profusely. These would solve all of the problems concerning passing on sweaty controllers and would thus limit how many germs are passed from one person to the next.


  1. Hey reed,
    I love your product just as much as the next gamer will. I think it's clear and innovative and solves a huge problem amongst a certain segment in the gaming market. Your problem and solution are clear cut and does not need any outside help

  2. WOW oh wow Reed! you have come up with a fantastic idea. One of my biggest pet peeves is when my controller basically turns into a fire ball in my hands while playing FIFA. It seems so simple for these devices to have cooling devices inside of them but they don't for some reason. Is it too expensive or have you uncovered a conspiracy.

  3. Hey Reed
    As I have already commented on a number of your posts about this idea, I still think it is a fantastic idea and would sell really well on the open market if it was ever designed. I could absolutely see myself purchasing this product and could see both play station and XBOX adapting to the idea and making it work for both of their controllers.

  4. Reed,
    I really love the idea here. I want to purchase this item if I am completely honest, but Like I said before I think the cost of this may be too much for the average gamer. The price of a new controller is pricey as is and this will surely be a good chunk of change more. I hope it would take off and become the norm but that would take a while.

  5. Reed,
    Despite not being a video-gamer myself, I can see the opportunity in this idea. I don't even relate to your product and I still want to help market the idea and get the word out. When a product attracts consumers who don't relate the product, that's when you know you have a strong opportunity at hand! What I love most about the idea is that it solves two very different solutions. First, the individual gamer can play their game with comfort (sweat-resistant). Secondly, the gamer can share his controller with others without the concern of spreading germs and disease. This is a revolutionary idea and the video-game industry needs a product like this to be sold on a mass-market level.
