Friday, May 31, 2019

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

I would like to pursue the opportunity of cooling gaming controllers. People all over the world are unable to safely play video games with one another without having to worry about the spreading of germs through hand sweat and it takes too much time to use a sanitized towel to wipe the controller clean every time you want to pass it off to the next person.
Every individual who owns a gaming console would have this need because although grips have been added to some controllers to limit the affect that sweat has on the controller, there has been nothing down to limit how much one sweats on a gaming controller as of yet.
The boundaries of this need extend to all people who having gaming controllers. However, this need could expand to mobile phones that heat up when people play mobile applications and cause them to sweat all over the phone and even break it due to water damage.
The "why" for this need applies to everyone who has a gaming controller that also is unhappy with how sweaty their hands become when playing a game. Then, when passing off the controller to someone else, you are transferring your sweat to them, which transfer germs easier. A cooling controller would limit how much someone sweats and thus limit the transfer of germs, indicating a healthier society. This need is able to be exploited because neither Xbox nor PS4 has released a controller that limits how much someone sweats.
After interviewing 5 people, I have come to the general consensus that there is definitely a need for a cooling controller in the tech community. Every person I interviewed owns some type of gaming console, whether it be the Wii, the Xbox, or the PS4, and they all experience profuse sweaty from their hands during intense games at least once a week. They would be inclined to purchase a cooling controller should one be available to limit how many germs get passed between each person every time they play a game. I now know that there is definitely a need for a cooling controller after conducting my interviews because even the oldest person I interviewed, 24, has a gaming console and is no longer in school but still thinks there is a need.


  1. Hey Reed! I LOVE this post! I was intrigued the entire time, and I found it quite ironic for someone to be talking about creating a sweat-free gaming controller, as I was just talking to my husband about this the other day! I just recently bought a new controller for our PS4, and one thing I kept looking for in each controller was: which material is going to help my hands sweat the least while playing my games? It was so awesome to see that there are other people who think of the exact same kind of thing. It would be cool if you could even buy some sort of add-on piece to help with sweat, so that you don't have to buy a whole new controller, or 8 new controllers in our case!

  2. Hello, I am impressed by this blog post. You went into good detail about your concept of the gaming control. This helped make it clear what you idea was. I think a cooling controller is a excellent idea to help make gaming more comfortable. I found it impressive how you thought of expanding it into mobile phones. I think this is a good idea because I have had several times were my phone overheated. This idea could be improved by adding something else to the controller to make people more inclined to buy it. Maybe unique colors or lights.

  3. Good evening Reed,
    Very interesting idea. I myself also play PS4 and have experienced this issue at times and would be very interested in a possible product like this. I was able to think of a couple issues you may come across would be both the price of something like this and would you need to make the controller be bigger.

  4. Reed,
    Honestly a great idea. Nobody thought of ac/heating seats until they happened and imagine if this caught on. I think I would invest in that if I was deep into gaming. I wonder how expensive this would be since regular controllers are already expensive enough.

  5. Reed,
    A fascinating idea that I must say likely already exists. However, whichever company(s) developed this product clearly failed, as there is no mass-market cooling-gaming controller and I'm sure most gamers have never heard of them. That is poor marketing and product development on the company(s) part. Despite their failure, the opportunity is still out there! I don't own a video game console or play many video games myself, but even I have been tortured by the wrath of a sweaty controller!

  6. Hi Reed,
    This is a great idea. My little brother is a big gamer and he get really mad when his hands get sweaty. When it gets sweaty the rubber is too slick and he performs worst. A lot fo gamers would really like this product and ensure that they get it so they can perform at their most in gaming.
