Friday, May 31, 2019

Identifying Local Opportunities

Identifying Local Opportunities

The name of this article is "Hurricane season is here again. Will Florida residents take storms seriously?". This story is about how there have been improvements in technology that help storm trackers better understand the impact an incoming storm will have on an area and exactly when it is coming. The story highlights the fact that although storm trackers are able to know when hurricanes are coming, people are worried that people in Florida may not care enough to take precautions to protect themselves. The problem presented in the story is that citizens of Florida do not care enough to prepare for these awful storms and the "who" that has the problem is people of Florida and companies that help people prepare for hurricanes that shutter companies.

The name of this article is "Violence a danger for health care workers". This story is about the fact that health care workers in hospitals and doctor's offices are continuously being threatened physically by patients and patient's families. The story emphasizes the fact that health care workers have to suffer from verbal and physical abuse at times with no one willing to step in and help. It even says in the article that more than half of emergency physicians have been physically assaulted in their life. The problem here lies with the employees who seem to be physically and verbally abused all the time and no one is stepping in to change this and provide consequences. No one is warning patients and there is being nothing done to help treat employees who are mentally disturbed.

The name of this article is "Shelter staffing and nursing home power remain issues- Officials consider ways to keep residents informed and safe as hurricane season begins." This story is about how Broward County, Florida is trying to be prepared for severe storms as hurricane season approaches. The story talks about the problems that nursing homes are having in South Florida when it comes to power outages during storms and everyone is just pointing fingers at one another instead of just accepting the blame and fixing the problems. A problem that lies in South Florida is also the lack of volunteers. It states in the article that if a severe storm were to occur and all shelter locations were activated, they would be short hundreds of people. Broward County needs to fix this problem before a storm hits and it is too late.

The name of this article is "Wellington to demolish 2 homes declared "unsafe" by inspectors. This story is about how there are two homes in Wellington, Florida that are being destroyed because an inspector deemed them not safe enough to live in. However, one individual does not understand how they have gotten to this point and does not think that the houses are beyond repair. He thinks that it does not make sense for the bank to just give up their investment when they could just replace the drywall and roof. Nonetheless, the homes are being destroyed which opens up an opportunity for someone else to build on this land. But the problem still lies in the fact that these houses may not actually be unsafe to live in.

The name of this article is "Fast Growing Miami insurer focuses sales efforts on neighborhoods often bypassed by large insurance companies." This story is about a Miami based, independent agency that has been able to take the problem that the hispanic community has in Miami and turn it into an opportunity. Hispanic neighborhoods are usually bypassed by larger insurance agencies and thus by focusing on hispanic neighborhoods, UniVista Insurance has been able to make a large amount of money. He has also been able to create more than 1000 jobs for people. The problem that lied in this story was the underrepresented hispanic community in terms of insurance and how one man and his wife were able to exploit the opportunity to better themselves and the community.


  1. Reed,

    Great articles! I found the article about hurricanes the most interesting. Claims of technology being better for hurricanes, are a little bit suspicious for me. I understand technology is getting better every year, however, how can we REALLY predict mother nature? She has a mind of her own. Another article I was shocked to read was the article about UniVista. It is heartbreaking to see that people would actually exploit insurance companies. People have benefited from this insurance company and with stories like this, it does only hurts the suppressed community.

  2. Reed, I really enjoyed reading about the articles you chose! You did an excellent job of summarizing each situation and the problems associated with them. As an avid fan of extreme weather, your two articles about severe weather issues in Florida were eye-catching, to say the least. One of the biggest issues among people in Florida (and the US in general) is the lack of understanding regarding the severity of mother nature, and her life-threatening capabilities. Just last week, I saw a video of a local weatherman screaming at his viewers for calling into the TV station and complaining about the urgent tornado report which interrupted a viewing of "The Bachelorette". Ridiculous! How can people care more about a TV show than the lives of themselves and their loved ones? The answer is -- they're not aware of weathers destructive potential.
