Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Entrepreneurship Story

My Entrepreneurship Story
The first time in my life that I was exposed to true entrepreneurship was when I first became friends with my neighbors in my neighborhood. My friend's dad was a successful entrepreneur who had already created a few successful businesses from scratch including a very profitable cheese company that served as suppliers for local Italian restaurants. Another company my friend's dad was creating when I was younger was a limousine company and the forming of this company was the first time I witnessed all of the processes that go into creating and running a business. I learned from this experience that you have to know who your target market is before you invest too much money into the company and that a well developed business model including all possible sources of revenue is necessary to run a successful business.
I enrolled in ENT3003 so that I can learn the keys on how to become a successful entrepreneur. Many people think that it is easy to be an entrepreneur but I realize that there are many processes that I am not aware of that are necessary for someone to be able to create a successful business. I hope to lean out of this class the best way to go about forming a business and running one. I also enrolled in this class in hope to learn how to exploit opportunities in the best way possible to get the best results for a business.
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  1. Hey Reed, I think that is really cool that you were able to witness people close to you grow successful companies. I believe exposure is the best way to truly learn how something works. I think that will give you a leg up when pursuing entrepreneurship. One piece of advice I would give is to get out there and get hands on with people who are running companies. It is amazing how much you will learn and how eager people are to teach you about how they got things up and running. I think this class will teach you the basics but the real learning will come from you taking that next step of real life experiences.

  2. Reed, it sounds like your friend’s dad dabbled in a different number of companies. I would be interested to know if any of the turned out to be successful or if he just continues to change his businesses up depending on what the market where he lives needs. Being a successful entrepreneur is difficult and hopefully this class will help you with some tips and tricks

  3. Reed,
    I was one of those many people who thought being an entrepreneur was easy. I tried to start selling t-shirts online, I realized that it was far from easy. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. The t-shirt business did not go as planned, but I have learned so much from it. I am with you and hope to gain a lot of insight into entrepreneurship.

  4. Hi Reed,
    I love that through your friend's lives helped influence you pursue something for your future. Myself and my friends as well had parents that were entrepreneurs. Some of them did things with technology, some did business, and my parents did construction. All of them did well with their businesses and seeing what they did amazed me and showed me that working hard pays off.

  5. Reed,
    Becoming a successful entrepreneur is one of the most difficult career paths. There are so many elements that go into starting and running a business. Meeting entrepreneurs in your youth can certainly help to inspire you to become one in the future! If you haven't already, I recommend speaking with your friends dad about entrepreneurship again, now that you're in college and taking this course. You'll ask better questions and he'll give more valuable advice. Fun Fact: Mark Zuckerberg went to my high school and I've always been fascinated by entrepreneurship as a result!
