Friday, June 28, 2019

14A - Halfway Reflection

Halfway Reflection

1. I have developed many behaviors from this class that have helped me at my internship as well as in life in general. These behaviors have also helped me to do well in this class. I have been very attentive to the due dates and I have not missed an assignment yet. I also have made sure to be very careful when doing every assignment to make sure they are all done properly.
2. I had a moment where I thought about giving up when I was interviewing five people for one of the assignments. I was so frustrated that I could not find a fifth person, but knowing I needed to find someone for a good grade, I pushed through and looked for hours and finally found someone. I do feel like I have developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months. I think the experience I just mentioned about finding a fifth person to interview has contributed to this as well as when we had to record a pitch video.
3. Tip 1: If you ever feel like giving up on an assignment, just know you have what it takes and if other people can do it, so can you. Tip 2: To develop a tenacious mindset, make sure you have an end goal in mind for every assignment. Tip 3: Make sure you stay up to date with due dates and submit on time.
Image result for rocky on steps


  1. Hey Reed this is a great post. The due dates are the most important thing in this class in order to succeed. I have had to check myself a few times and make sure I am doing everything correctly and not just trying to rush through. I love your tips and feel like they are uplifting and would be extremely helpful for someone that is going to take this course in the future.

  2. Hi Reed,
    I really love your passion for this subject it is such a great idea. I think that with this blog entry you really covered a lot and did the right things. I found it super interesting the subject is something that I would love to do future research on. After reading your article it hooked me and makes me want to get more information about it. Combining the subject together is a great way to widen your audience and make the most use out of it.

  3. Reed,
    I love your professional approach to academic studies. I agree that it can be difficult to find people to interview (especially if we can't interview the same people for multiple assignments). Familiarizing ourselves with due dates is critical for this course and our grades heavily depend on it. It's awesome that you've been able to complete all assignments in a timely manner -- this course certainly gives students the opportunity to fix their tendency for procrastination.
