Friday, June 28, 2019

15A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

Figuring out Buyer Behavior No. 2

For this assignment, I interviewed three new students who are in the primary segment that I targeted. This segment includes mostly male students aged 13-21. For these interviews, I interviewed a 15 year old kid from my neighborhood and then interviewed two 19 year old boys from school. I presented them with a set of alternatives to my cooling controller idea. These alternatives were a set of other controller's that had grip on them. There were three controllers, all different quality of grips and three different prices. When I presented all three alternatives to the people I interviewed, the 15 year old choose the one that cost the most and the two 19 year olds choose the one that cost the least. Of course, the most expensive one was the best quality grip and the least expensive was the worst quality grip. I think price matters the most because the 19 year olds have to use their own money and are on a budget because of college whereas the 15 year old does not care because his parents would probably pay for it. I think quality and price are the most important factors for my customer segment, but price is the most important of the two.

Our segment is more likely to buy online according to who I interviewed. However, I think that if we asked a larger sample, there would be about an equal amount of people who buy in store compared to online. People find it easier to buy online, but I also know that people enjoy going into gaming stores to look around before buying one. People would use cash to buy this because it is not expensive enough to finance.

When asked how they decide if they made the right purchase, the 15 year old said if he performs better at his games then he made the right decision while the two 19 year olds said they never even considered if they made the right decision because it was all they could afford. I think people consider a purchase a bad idea if they find the same product for cheaper somewhere else or because it breaks or is faulty.

I think that in terms of alternative evaluation, my segment focuses primarily on price and always pay with cash or card because a cooling controller is not expensive enough to finance. Post-purchase behavior is typically positive because it is hard to not be happy with a controller.


  1. Reed,
    I enjoyed seeing that for these interviews you chose to focus on kids who are younger than your typical interviewees. Your idea to develop new controllers is very innovative and I am sure that younger kids will be badgering their parents to buy them in no time! and like people always say, kids always get what they want.

  2. Hey,
    I enjoyed reading these interviews and believe you were able to gain helpful information from them. I believe that price is the most important factor for this product. I think if its priced reasonably than people will made for the added comfort. I do not think many people will pay a premium though for some added comfort.

  3. Reed,
    I see you have chosen a certain market segment through age range for the product. Coming up with a great idea that is filled with innovation is the first step of entrepreneurship, after that you must find the market you want to enter. Figuring this out begins with finding the buyers for the product which you have been able to do with a nice age range.

  4. Reed,
    Your takeaways from your interviews are very interesting. It makes sense that the 15 year-old wanted to purchase the more expensive controller, as he does not have a good understanding of monetary value, and like you said, his parents would likely pay for it. On the other hand, you have the 19 year-old's, who are likely on a strict budget due to adult expenses such as college tuition, rent, and transportation. I agree with your takeaway that most of your consumers would purchase online due to the simplicity of the process and low cost of the product. However, some consumers want to physically see and examine the product before purchasing it, so having the product available in stores is important for maximizing consumer outreach.

  5. Hey Reed,
    I think the people you chose to interview for this assignment really understood what you were trying to accomplish and grasped the idea to help improve the product at hand. I think you’re really onto something to get this product to where it needs to be and with these interviews, I think can help it get there.

  6. Hey Reed! I always love keeping up with your cooling controller posts! I think you can expand your age gap past 21 too! My husband is 24 and still plays like he's 15 haha. A lot of our generation is playing well past their twenties, which could be a good and bad thing, but the idea of the cooling controller is genius for all! I also found it really interesting that the two 19 year old boys would go for the cheaper option. I know me and my husband personally don't take gaming equipment lightly, especially one that could be so can count two of those purchases to the expensive controllers!

  7. Awesome post Reed! It was very thorough and you chose the perfect demographic to interview. Out of all of the students in our group I think yours is one of the most interesting business ideas and I really see it as being a success if you ever were to follow through with it. I really hope you invent this so I can buy it for my PS4. Thanks for the post and keep up the good work.
