Friday, June 7, 2019

Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

Attached is an elevator pitch for a cooling controller.


  1. Reed,
    I like your idea! I, myself, play Xbox and I totally know this feeling. It is the grossest thing. It’s even pretty gross when it’s my own sweat, too. I would actually be very interested in your product! You explained the product you wanted to sell very well. I also liked how you showed a controller for visual effect!

  2. Reed,
    I love the idea! I am not a big video game person, but I know plenty of friends who would love this opportunity. You did a great job in the video as well. You can tell that it was well rehearsed. I feel like my video showed that I was nervous much more so i am very impressed. Good job!

  3. Hey Reed,
    Loved the idea! It was innovative, simple, and due to some research it seems it has a consumer base for people who avidly play video games, such as myself. The opportunity its us there, but I feel your pitch could've gone a lot farther with just a bit more preparation. All in all it was a good presentation.

  4. Hey Tommy
    I love the idea of your pitch and would no doubt buy the product you’re selling. I play play station and my hands tend to get sweaty, especially in the summertime living in Florida. I think a cooling mechanism within the controller is a great idea and would be a fast seller on the open market.

  5. Reed,
    You gave us an informative elevator pitch that certainly opens the idea of your product to the consumer. I like that you showed a visual example of what you are trying to provide to consumers, but the example is another business' product. You can't use someone else's product to market your own. How do you propose to create your business? Will you be selling your own cooling controllers or will you offer a service that allows people to rent cooling controllers that are developed by other companies?
