Thursday, August 1, 2019

30A - Final Reflection

Final Reflection

Most formative experience: The experience I had in this class that has had the most profound impact on me is the pitch video. Learning the key elements of a proper pitch has helped me succeed outside the classroom, specifically in a company I am starting right now.

Experience I'll remember years later: The experience that I think I will remember years later is the venture concepts. Learning how to explain a venture concept and all the elements that make a business successful will be stuck in my mind forever.

Most joyous experience: My most joyous experience from all of my posts is the growing your social capital assignment.

Most proud of: The experience I am most proud of is also the venture concept again. It took me a lot of thought to piece together exactly how I would go about selling a cooling controller and I am proud of myself for it.

I do see myself as an entrepreneur now and I have definitely moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset.

One recommendation I would make to students going down this journey in the future would be to stay on top of due dates and to make sure you fully do every assignment to get the most out of it. To perform best in this course, I recommend you read the instructions carefully and just make sure you take the most out of each assignment. To foster the mindset, I recommend that you take on every assignment like it is a real life business venture.


  1. Hey Reed!

    Nice reflection. I wrote about different highs and lows in this class but I think your reflection makes sense because you have a good product, and I can see it going places!You liked the nitty-gritty assignments (in my opinion) and to have a love for those parts of business, I think I can see you as an entrepreneur as well. You definitely made the most out of every assignment and this class. Also, CUTE PUPPY!

    Good luck to you.

  2. Reed,
    The elevator pitches were also the moat profound experiences in this class for me. They did a great job of growing my presentation skills. I'm very curious what your business outside of this class is about. Your advice to the incoming students is spot on. Submitting material on time was a big struggle for me, and my experiences in this class prepared me to never make this mistake again. Best of luck in your pursuit of entrepreneurship -- I can see you definitely have a potential career as a business owner!
